This line started up my brainstorming process for the foundation of this walkthrough. I liked the idea of something missing within humanity as a way to convey that as humans, we are always looking for things to fill up our hearts. Suggesting that we start off with missing pieces.
This prompt led me to the concept of solidarity in itself. Reminiscing on aspects of my past and my past identities is what I drew from this prompt.
I used this as a means to create the choices I have on some of the pages. Some pages have two choices, some have one, and others have some that lead nowhere.
I used this phrase to inspire the start of my story. Instead of starting from a time I could remember, I decided to draw from the moment of birth.
I also used this prompt sort of literally. I used it as a means of putting in dead end pages where the reader would be forced to go back to the page they were on previously.
This prompt also helped me set up the premise of my story. Instead of just telling a random story or something more made up, I decided to divide this into the steps of growing up. That is why each page title starts with an age if you go in the correct order.